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Member experience surveys and interviews
Updated over 6 months ago

Help Build UpTogether

We’re not building the UpTogether Community for you. We’re building it with you.

Our member experience team conducts interviews, focus groups and surveys to learn from you. We want to know what’s working, what’s not, and how UpTogether can be a space you and your community find valuable as you work toward your goals. We use your feedback to make upgrades and changes to the platform.

Most of these activities require at least 30 minutes and up to several hours of your time, so you will be paid for participating. As opportunities become available, we will contact you by email. Since these opportunities are limited (our small team can only talk with so many people, unfortunately!), members of the UpTogether community are invited to participate randomly based on the topic at hand. Please do not contact UpTogether support for information about why you have not been invited to participate in these activities, as they cannot provide updates on this matter.

Occasionally, we ask for shorter feedback or stories. Those opportunities to share are unpaid because they just take a few minutes.

In all of these activities, we are grateful for your help with building UpTogether. We truly couldn’t do it without you.

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